CBD oil research and studies exist around many common ailments and afflictions. Blacklands Botanicals cannot and will not make any health claims around our full spectrum CBD oils, but we do try to provide solid and relevant research so that people can begin to educate themselves about their Endo-Cannabinoid systems and well care. Knowing how to best use CBD oil for anxiety and other conditions and the CBD dosage is still being researched.
Please see fit to share the CBD oil research we accumulate with your family, friends, or anyone you feel it could help. If there are conditions for which you would like to see some research, please contact us and we will try to do exactly that. If you do decide to purchase CBD oil, please consider Blacklands Botanicals. We are proud of what we do and the people we help.
Jun 15th, 2020
Important CBD oil and Epilepsy studies have been assembled here. You will find this to be an excellent summation of various clinical trials and research conducted on CBD oil dosage...
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