
Growing anything outdoors has a certain amount of risk and peril. Successful farmers have learned how to manage nature’s curve balls and thrive in good times and hopefully get by and bad times. Hemp has a lot of profit potential for a farmer, but there are many landmines that they often do not consider.

The hemp plant is extremely vulnerable to any type of blow over from pesticides or herbicides. In North Carolina, there were many crops that were completely destroyed from blow over from soybean and corn fields and others that did survive leached pesticide residue from the soil and were deemed unextractable because of the pesticide content.

If your crop drowns or is killed with poison or extracts poison from the ground and is unsalable, it’s a complete loss. Having the ability to treat high CBD hemp plants with organic essential oil treatments and compost teas to ward off common pests is imperative.

Even residue from organic pesticides can deem your crop unsalable. It’s important to understand the half life of whatever chemical or natural oil you are introducing to your field or greenhouse. Proper flushing and nutrient application is also important prior to harvest.

We engage a process that isolates CBD from pesticide residue and heavy metals, but some residue can be tricky to mitigate. It is best to grow clean versus trying to clean-up after the fact. Hemp can pull heavy metals and pesticide residue out of the ground regardless of what you administer.